A Beautiful Beginning
We love to start a good San Francisco elopement story with where it all began. In Seth and Tasha's case, it all started two years ago when a mutual friend set them up. She had known them both for years and one day it just dawned on her that these two were absolutely perfect for each other. And obviously, they were! We just love stories that start like this, and in their case, we feel that their story is just beginning.
After a monster hike as a first date ("monster" being Tasha's word for it!) and a softball game as a second date, they were off to a strong start. No traditional date and a movie for these two - they're all about staying active! Even during that softball game where Tasha nervously subbed on Seth's team, she hit the ball, leading to Seth running from third to home base and winning the game - and scoring an immediate kiss. A week later, they knew they were in love, and a month after that they moved in together.
It all sounds like a whirlwind, but looking back, these two have no regrets. Their love for each other is palpable with every action and every word. We were honored to witness it!
But wait, the story gets even more exciting!
On to San Francisco
After together five months, they knew they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together and knew that they wanted to bring a child into their beautiful relationship. Nine months later, their gorgeous little Cole was born!
They planned to take a trip from their home in Canada to San Francisco to visit cousins. Since they were headed this way, they decided that an elopement to San Francisco City Hall would be a perfect decision. In Seth and Tasha style, they decided only two weeks before their trip to elope while in San Francisco! Getting the chance to get married at San Francisco City Hall is just too beautiful and lovely to pass up.
Since they only had two weeks to plan, Tasha ended up doing her own makeup, hair, and flowers. It was also easier than navigating appointments with a 6-month-old in tow! We were their only vendor since it would have been a bit tough to take care of the photography themselves. And they knew how important professional wedding photos are; they are the only thing that will last a lifetime after a wedding. Plus, they want to share these photos with their son one day.
Wedding Day
Did we mention how active these two are? Especially Seth. He decided to go for a bike ride the day before the wedding. Yes, the day before the wedding. And we don't mean a little five-mile ride. We're talking a 5+ hour ride in an unfamiliar place, with no cell phone since the international plan was on Tasha's phone. (Remember, they're from Canada.) Also remember, this is the day before the wedding!
Tasha and her cousins were panicking when Seth still wasn't back almost three hours after he said he'd be back. It had been dark for a while before Seth nonchalantly returned from his excursion, tired and hungry. Apparently he barely even ate anything during this ride and felt quite ill the next day, their wedding day. In Tasha's words: "It was his own damn fault and he better suck it up! And he did."
After the City Hall Wedding
After their civil ceremony and breathtaking photos through San Francisco City Hall, we all headed to Fort Point for more photos. This is one of our favorite places to take couples after a SF City Hall wedding. It's not too far of a drive, easy to get to, and we know how to get in and out pretty quickly without feeling rushed! The result is some amazing photos that make your seemingly simple City Hall wedding really stand out.
Tasha even told us that the photos in the woods are some of her favorites. "They are so romantic and peaceful." We think so, too!
Thank you, Tasha and Seth, for sharing your magical day with us. Tasha, you did a lovely job taking care of all those last-minute details. And Seth - don't scare your wife like that again! 😉
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